2022 03 12

Spent much of the day walking around Somerville with a friend. Started by visiting an indoor farmer’s market where I got some mushrooms and potatoes for a dinner party I’m hosting tomorrow (gotta christen my wok with friends!). Got some loose leaf lemon-ginger tea from Mem-tea in Davis Square. We then walked over to Union Square and got some donuts and then stopped at Bow Market where we realized we could get dinner there and then eat our donuts as dessert. I tried poke there which was pretty good, but obviously the Tuna here was no match for the Tuna I had recently had in Hawai’i. I think I prefer also how they tend to season in Hawai’i as well, which I should learn more about what they do for that. We chatted quite a while there and then went back to her place where she made us tea from a special blend that the owner of the store grows and sells in very limited quantities. It was a nice mint tea that fit well with the cold windy night that the rainy day had turned into.

Daily Listening

Didn’t listen to this, but I was recollecting this playlist which provided some joy over the pandemic.

Daily Reading

Started reading David Foster Wallace’s A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again. He wrote about how he is “powerless to describe” the sound of reggae elevator music