2022 03 14

Weather was quite nice today as Spring begins to win in the battle against Winter. I somehow woke up right at 7am (formerly 6am) which was surprising since daylight savings usually messes up sleep schedules. With the morning ahead of me I made a spontaneous decision to do my laundry and then hung around at home for a while doing my morning routine. I’ve actually been doing a great job of keeping my morning routine going so far in 2022 and I’ve been very appreciative of it. Knowing that I am sensitive to how I start my mornings and how that effects the rest of my day, I think doing the journaling of the day before (yes this is future Marshall writing, and future marshall finally met his match with daylight savings today 😴) is really nice to be mindful of what you did and thought about the previous day + helps frame your mind for how you want to spend your next day.

Daily Listening

More Nicolar Jaar.

Daily Reading

Just a bit more of The Mysterious Island. I was reflecting on how one thing that I really like in the book is that the characters have created a world for themselves on this island and feel a lot of pride in their creations. I, personally, find that inspiring to want to create my own things and not only bring them into fruition, but to be proud of them. I’ve often thought little of my creations and this book is helping me to see that this is not a good mindset to have about what I do. I should feel pride in the cool things that I make as that will create feedback loop of wanting to make more cool things.

Read a bit of A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again in the morning