2022 04 09

Somehow slept nearly 11 hours despite going to bed at 11pm the night before - guess I must have really needed the sleep! Still, I had wanted to get up early to read and take care of some logistical things before going to view an apartment and then hang out with a friend for the rest of the day. Such is life!

Apartment showing was a bit of a bust, but we had a really great lunch afterwards at NU Kitchen Somerville. I had a pesto-chorizo sandwich that had pretty small portions, but somehow left me reasonably full for longer than I had expected it to; so, fair enough to them for having sized it that way (it was really really good too).

Went for a nice walk around a new part of Somerville that I haven’t been around before and saw a lot of nice houses. Also nice to see budding flowers on plants and trees around the city. As much as my allergies despise it, I do appreciate the aesthetic and signs of life after the winter (which was pretty mild, extremely so by Minnesota standards).

My friend made these really good garlic-feta omelets that we had with a garlic bed along with a cheese + apple plate and pumpernickel bread with strawberry rhubarb jam - mildly bourgeois by thats not so bad! I partially got pumpernickel because of the Toto Wolff meme, but it was really good - especially with the cheese and jam!

Daily Listening

Been listening to this album a bunch lately. Not The Time and Pacify My Heart are my standouts.

Daily Reading

I didn’t read anything today unfortunately, but the night before (which I missed journaling for) I read a good chunk of Infinite Jest. It’s a bit of an anxiety inducing book which I think it’s intending to capture? Not sure how much I enjoy reading it so far, but Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn continues to be a nice treat before bed.