2022 04 30

Drove out to western MA for a day trip to visit some of my friend’s old haunts. The first stop was a quaint used bookstore. It’s located in an old mill alongside a fast flowing river that was fun to watch while we enjoyed a little snack after perusing the bookstore. I actually found a copy of a collection of stories/essays curated by Daniel Dennett and Douglas Hofstadter that I had wanted to read, and also a Thoreau book that I have heard good things about.

Afterwards, we went to Puffer’s Pond and hung out in a hammock to enjoy the peaceful quiet of being away from the city as well as the warm weather. Meant to do some reading, but we instead took a nap and chatted.

We went into Northampton for dinner. I was surprised at how much bigger Northampton was than I had expected it to be. I had visited UMass Amherst as a prospective grad school and really enjoyed the area, but I must have only visited Amherst which I had recalled to be pretty small and charming. We got ice cream afterwards and walked around a bit before heading back to Somerville.

It was real nice to get away from the city for a day and have some peace and quiet. Hopefully going to be doing more of this over the summer.

Daily Listening

This album has been some pleasant background listening.

Daily Reading

No reading, but that’s a little more understandable given the traveling.